Policy of quality and environment
One of our first-rate priorities is enhancement and sustaining of high quality level of our products and environment protection. Policy of integrated managerial system of quality and environment management comes out from the understanding of the dependence between fulfilment of customers requirements and influence of associated activites on the environment.
For the support of the policy we commit ourselves to adhere to the following principles:
- To maintain the integrated system of quality and environment management and consistently enhancing of its efficiency so the company continuously reaches its objectives, fulfils the requirements of customers and concerned parties, fulfils relevant law and other requirements, and assures sustainable development with respect to minimizing of adverse effects of its operation on the environment.
- Continuously improving of all processes in order of further development of the company, increase of customers satisfaction so every process runs efficiently and compliance to law and other requirements was assured, with respect to the prevention of pollution and consistent improvement of environment maintenance.
- Support of raising of qualification and environmental awareness of employees so their consistent professional advance growth would be achieved as well as the improvement of environmental behaviour.
- Apply the principle that every emploee is responsible for quality of his/her work, to demand adherence with rules of safety and environment protection and execution of activities contained in IMS only according to docummented procedures.
- To protect the environment, use of energy and materials economically, meaningfuly decrease production of waste, emissions, with emphasis on prevention. Preventive activities to minimize risk of accidents, diseases, breakdowns.
- To focus the further development of production-technical basis towards technologies that ensure decreasing of the negative effects on safety and health of employees, environment and contribute to sustainable development.
- To create partner relationship with suppliers. During selection of suppliers to emphasise their abilities to fulfil our qualification and qualitative requirements.